Security Consulting
We protect the customers, assets, information, and reputation of our clients through physical, technological, and operational security measures.
Our security services have helped governmental institutions, international organizations, corporations, and small to medium-sized businesses disrupt threats, eliminate vulnerabilities, and develop security policies precisely tailored to the risks their institutions face. Our experience, gained in over twenty years of operating in complex environments, gives us the perfect insight to help our customers mitigate and foresee potential risks with greater certainty.
Some of our services include:

Regional Analysis and
Security Reports
Through its Center of Regional and Security analysis, Zehirut investigates public, economic, political, and social order that may directly or indirectly affect the national defense and the citizen, public or private security in the country. With this information, Zehirut generates regional security assessments and reports that help our clients prevent or mitigate risks.
Threat and vulnerability Assessments
We evaluate the vulnerability of an organization across a broad range of identified threats/hazards and provide a basis for determining mitigation measures and effective security policies.

Security Audits
We help organizations find why current policies are ineffective or insufficient by detecting where gaps and vulnerabilities might exist in the current systems and procedures.
Security Policy and Procedure Development
Given the complexity of most organizations, developing effective security procedures, and controls can be an overwhelming job. We help our clients create and implement an effective security program that clearly defines the duties and expectations for everyone in the organization.

Security Staffing
Zehirut is a trusted and experienced provider of security services in high-risk environments. We deliver quality-driven, professional services to safeguard personnel, infrastructure, and other valuable assets and investments to various countries in South America and the Caribbean.
Biosecurity Protocols and Procedures
Zehirut offers biosecurity diagnostics with the primary goal of identifying and determining threats can cause the spreading infectious diseases. Our objective is to help our clients ensure the protection and health of their employees as well as the continuity of their business and practices.